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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


197: You Don’t Have to Be Good at Everything


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Welcome to episode #197 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we think about success in life, the driven and ambitious believe that in order to have success, it means we have to be amazing at every single thing in our lives and at work. It can feel exhausting and at times anxiety-provoking, and […]

196: You Can Be Spiritual At Work


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Welcome to episode #196 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There are times in our lives when we realize that something’s missing at work. The sense that we belong – truly belong – because our spiritual self is being fulfilled and acknowledged just isn’t there. Or you feel like you’re working for just a […]

195: Designing Your Dream Job When You Have a Full-Time Job (without Burning Out)


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Welcome to episode #195 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you are so busy with your day-to-day to-dos, it can be hard to figure out what’s next. There’s a voice inside telling you to hurry up and figure out what your next move is and how you’re going to make it happen, because […]

194: You can have a thriving family and career ambition


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Welcome to episode #194 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you have no other option, you’ll find a way. This is why having a thriving family and career ambition were never a question for me. What was a question, however, was how to make it work. What are the strategies, tools and mindset […]

193: You can trust your intuition


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Welcome to episode #193 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the approaches that make my coaching unique is how I blend in practicality with spirituality. People often come to me wanting to make the best decisions possible so that they can maximize their happiness, financial success and energy – which is why […]

192: There’s no right decision about what’s next in your career


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Welcome to episode #192 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I’m going to help you move forward more quickly and accurately than you believe is possible. There’s no right decision about what’s next in your career and today I’ll help you keep from getting stuck in this thinking error that keeps you waiting for […]

191: You don’t need time to figure out what’s next


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Welcome to episode #191 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you want to figure out what’s next, I’m going to help you get started today. Not tomorrow or next year, we’re doing it now. Most people think that you need a lot of time and they need to wait for the work to […]

190: Career changes in your 20s, 30s and 40s


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Welcome to episode #190 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Do you know what’s possible for your career? Finding out who you are as you begin to work and live life means that you now have more decisions to make. Do you pursue what you’ve already put time and effort into or should you […]

189: How to quit my job without burning bridges?


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Welcome to episode #189 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. In the quiet of the morning hours or the late night in-between hours, you start asking yourself what it would look like to move on from where you’re at now. You might have even found a new role or job but one thing holds […]

188: Is it normal to be unhappy at work?


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Welcome to episode #188 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. We spend approximately one third of our waking hours working – sometimes more. If you’re unhappy with your work, you’ll find it hard to ignore. When you’re spending so much time doing something and you’re feeling stressed, unhappy, exhausted or disengaged – you’ll wonder […]






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