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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


217: You’re ready for a transformation in how you work


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Welcome to episode #217 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Sometimes, you will make moves in your work to make it more sustainable, but you still don’t think you’ve figured it out. You’re looking for more clarity on what career move to make next that will allow you to do stimulating work while also […]

216: It’s the perfect time to try something new


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Welcome to episode #216 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you feel like you have been stuck in a rut and you are wanting something to change, this is for you. We are back in the back to school, schedules and work rush. When this all collides, the schedules can seem so overwhelming […]

215: Making relationships better at work


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Welcome to episode #215 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’ve ever struggled with working with other people or if it feels like people are constantly creating stress at work for you, you’ll want to listen to today’s podcast. We don’t want to change who we are when we’re dealing with other people, […]

214: What if this was just the beginning


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Welcome to episode #214 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. As we get more advanced in our careers, there’s often a feeling of not wanting to give up everything you worked so hard for in the process of making any kind of change. You might have found yourself in a new role or promoted, […]

213: Your work is not the most interesting thing about you


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Welcome to episode #213 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When work takes over our lives, it’s hard for us to feel a sense of separation between ourselves and our work. We live, breathe and sleep thinking about our work. At the same time, we’re happy when we don’t have to focus on it […]

212: Leadership is a skill not a personality trait


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Welcome to episode #212 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the common misconceptions that I see both professionally and personally is that people don’t think they’re leadership material if they’re not loud, aggressive, direct and extraverted. Leadership, however, isn’t a personality trait that you innately have or don’t have – it’s a […]

211: Strategies for Planning Your Work Around Time Off


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Welcome to episode #211 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Taking time off is both a skill and an art. Often we feel like we’re just running off leaving things undone and hoping that no one calls us while we’re gone but realizing that because of the way things are, those emails and calls […]

210: Your Career Isn’t Everything


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Welcome to episode #210 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we’re struggling with finding the “right” job or the career path that we think will be the most fulfilling, we often think that there is only one thing that will create happiness: getting our career “right.” Knowing our one path. Getting that one […]

209: Taking Time Off Benefits Your Business and Career


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Welcome to episode #209 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you’re a busy professional who either has a corporate career or a business you’re growing, you’re juggling the competing demands of work and your personal life. We know that we’re spending so much time on surface level things and that we need to […]

208: It’s Your Job To Make Space for Deep Thinking and Work


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Welcome to episode #208 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Achievers, do you love the feeling of checking off your to-do list? In fact, you might even put things on your to-do list that you’ve already done to then check them off. You celebrate how you are maximizing every waking moment.  Achievers are often […]






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