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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


201: You Don’t Need to Be Unhappy At Work


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Welcome to episode #201 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you’re surrounded by people who complain about their boss, workload and pretty much the overall business of life – it’s easy for you to also think that work is just not for you. Maybe you’ve experienced some pretty tough or toxic work situations […]

200: 4 Steps to Transform Your Work and Life


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Welcome to episode #200 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When people ask me how to actually live a life where they’re fulfilled, what they’re truly wanting to know is what changes do they need to make to create a life they love. How do you make personal and professional decisions that create fulfillment? […]

199: You Need to Start Dreaming Again


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Welcome to episode #199 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Sometimes our dreams feel far off, and that they are too big. Other times, it feels like we’ve lost the capacity to dream. Life feels so tiring and like we don’t have the time to dream beyond today. If you’re in either of these […]

198: Is this it?


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Welcome to episode #198 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the most common questions that I get is how do I know if this is it and I should just settle? It comes from noticing that you’re not that happy or fulfilled, but thinking that you should be grateful for what you […]

196: You Can Be Spiritual At Work


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Welcome to episode #196 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There are times in our lives when we realize that something’s missing at work. The sense that we belong – truly belong – because our spiritual self is being fulfilled and acknowledged just isn’t there. Or you feel like you’re working for just a […]

195: Designing Your Dream Job When You Have a Full-Time Job (without Burning Out)


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Welcome to episode #195 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you are so busy with your day-to-day to-dos, it can be hard to figure out what’s next. There’s a voice inside telling you to hurry up and figure out what your next move is and how you’re going to make it happen, because […]

194: You can have a thriving family and career ambition


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Welcome to episode #194 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you have no other option, you’ll find a way. This is why having a thriving family and career ambition were never a question for me. What was a question, however, was how to make it work. What are the strategies, tools and mindset […]

192: There’s no right decision about what’s next in your career


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Welcome to episode #192 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I’m going to help you move forward more quickly and accurately than you believe is possible. There’s no right decision about what’s next in your career and today I’ll help you keep from getting stuck in this thinking error that keeps you waiting for […]

183: Creating Space for Your Next Big Leap


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Welcome to episode #183 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’ve ever felt frustrated that “this is it” in life and that whatever job, role or health you currently have is the pinnacle, then you’re likely at the cusp of your next big leap. It could be a transition in your career or […]

171: Made for More: Navigating Your Career Journey and Finding the Right Path for You


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Welcome to episode #171 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you think about making a career move, we’re often considering whether we’re in the right career or role and what’s the right, next move. We want to find the path that aligns with our skills, interests, and values. Today’s podcast on “Made for […]






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