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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


51: Rituals & Cacao with Kasey Smith of The Cosmic Cacao


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 Welcome friends to Episode #51 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I love the power of rituals. How many of you love to start your day with a coffee, tea, juice, smoothie or even a glass of warm water with lemon? Do we think about them as just something we consume or do […]

48: When you help everyone else but you


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Welcome to Episode#48 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’re reading this post, you’re likely someone who wants to be a better version of themselves. You’re likely also someone who gives easily and wants to help others. You’re the strong one that others rely on. You’re the champion for others, but today – […]

47: Meditation on How to Intuitively Solve Problems


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 Today, I’m sharing with you a meditation that will help you learn to trust yourself and your inner wisdom. This is a meditation I’ve used daily for years and it cultivates that ability to know with a sense of pragmatism how to solve that problem or issue that’s on your mind. If this type […]

44: The Spirituality of Stuff


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When was the last time you worried about being enough? It’s a topic that brings up all sorts of feelings of insecurity. It might have been the last time you had a conversation with someone. It might have been the last time you showed up for a work project. It might have been when you […]

Is it time for a social media fast?

40: Is it time for a social media fast?


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If you’re on social media, you know as well as I do that it can be addictive. Do you ever find yourself caught in the scroll and time suddenly disappears? What about the comparison trap that happens when you see other people’s lives and they just look like it is all so amazing? I use […]

How to Start Running with Pro Runner Kyle Merber

33: How to Start Running with Pro Runner Kyle Merber


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If you’ve been a runner, or want to run more or are curious about what it’s like to be a professional athlete, you’re in the right place. Today, I am thrilled to be sharing a conversation with you that I had with Kyle Merber, my running coach. I’ve started running about 3 months ago on […]

32: Is this it?


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We sometimes get to a certain point in our lives where the excitement of this goal or even life, has worn off. We got the reward, the promotion, the thing and we’re left thinking, “is this it” or “so what now?” What’s the next step in your life when you’ve done what you’ve wanted? Or […]

Meditations: Calling and and Increasing Love

31: Meditations on Calling in and Increasing Love


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Today, I’m going to share with you a behind the scenes practice that I created for a private client. It’s about the work in bringing into your life the love or relationship you truly desire. I know that many of you may already have this person in your life, but if you’ve ever wished for […]

Why We Overwork and How to Cut Back

30: Why We Overwork and How to Cut Back


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It sometimes feels like there are not enough hours in the day to live our best lives. Especially when it comes to our careers and our work. How do we stop working so much more than we really want and let go of our tendencies to overwork ourselves? In today’s episode, we’ll cover why we […]

Prolon Review

29: Prolon Review


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If you feel like you could use a bit of a nutrition reset, or have a few pounds you think you could lose, or just know that you’ve been slacking on the eating front, you’ve probably thought of doing some kind of clean eating regimen, fast, or cleanse. Last week I tried the Prolon Fast […]






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