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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


125: Figuring Out Who You Are Outside of Work


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Welcome friends to Episode #125 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you spend so much time thinking about who you are at work and working, it is often hard to pinpoint exactly what life looks like for you outside of work. Is it your never-ending to-do list of chores or places to go […]

123: Creating Synchronicities


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Welcome friends to Episode #123 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Life doesn’t always turn out exactly the way we thought it would. Perhaps you’ve had a loose idea of the type of person you would become or the kind of work you would do and now you’re questioning it all. Perhaps you’ve never […]

Life-changing trips

119: Life-Changing Trips


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Welcome friends to Episode #119 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Big things can happen when you go away. When you plan a trip, you want to be able to make the most of it. If you’ve ever gone away and come back with a fresh perspective, new relationships or decisions made – you […]

117: Cutting the ties of external validation


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Welcome friends to Episode #117 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Our identity and accomplishments in this world are often tied to what others believe is worthy. We are looking for happiness in the approval of others. This is completely normal, yet there comes a time when you feel a bit lost in the […]

114: Can you become a morning person?


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Welcome friends to Episode #114 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. How we spend our mornings and evenings can often be reduced to the single phrase, “I’m not a morning person” or “I am a morning person.” If you’ve struggled with morning routines, you’ll know that it can feel challenging to get these new […]

103: Bedtime Routine for Adults and Kids


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 Download the Bedtime Routines PDF here to create your very own routines. Welcome friends to Episode #103 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we begin to review the times in our day where we feel the most challenged, bedtime and evenings can be one of them. We often have an ideal that […]

102: Grounding Meditation & Sound Healing Journey


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` Welcome friends to Episode #102 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Please join us for a one hour, virtual meditation and sound healing event to benefit the Ukraine refugee crisis. If you feel called to do so, you can make a donation to the International Rescue Committee. The International Rescue Committee provides food, […]

98: Kids Meditation for Sleep – Surfing Edition


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 Welcome friends to Episode #98 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. As I’ve introduced meditation to my kids to help them wind down and fall asleep over the last year, I’ve gotten asked to share the meditations I use. Today’s podcast is exactly that: a kids meditation for sleep. It’s one that I […]

97: The Power of Routines


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Welcome friends to Episode #97 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut, with the feeling of every day starting to look like the day before – you need a new routine. Creating routines, however, can be challenging. Life is moving so quickly, when is it […]

90: Creating a Fulfilling Life


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Welcome friends to Episode #90 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. As we begin a new year, we often evaluate what we want to have more or less of in our lives. It’s a great time to reflect on who we want to be and set some concrete goals for ourselves. It can be […]






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