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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


168: Becoming More Decisive


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Welcome to episode #168 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we feel like we’re not sure where to start or what to do next, we often want to be more decisive. We want to move with a sense of authority and certainty. Yet, life is filled with complications and nuances. What if it […]

167: Getting the Job You Want


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Welcome to episode #167 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we consider how we spend most of our time it’s no surprise that work and how we work is one of our top concerns. We want to feel like we’re using our time well and that we enjoy what we do. It’s time […]

166: Wealth Mindset


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Welcome to episode #166 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Creating wealth seems to be such a hot topic. We want to feel stable, free and most of all – successful. Yet, what is wealth? What is this thing we’re searching for that feels so elusive at times? Today’s podcast on the wealth mindset […]

165: Ready for a Change?


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Welcome to episode #165 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Are you feeling like you want to do more and achieve more? To feel greater happiness than what you’re currently experiencing? If so, today’s podcast on Ready for a Change will help you understand how to stop going through the motions and start living […]

164: Making Hard Things Easy


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Welcome to episode #164 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. So many people are unhappy because they’re thinking about what they’re getting or not getting. My hope is that you can bring some energy and flow back into your life, even if you don’t feel like you’re getting what you want. Today’s podcast on […]

163: Retreats, Spiritual Achiever and Why Phoenicia


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Welcome to episode #163 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. This week I’m going to share with you a bit of the backstory around my own experiences with retreats and how they’ve influenced and shaped my life. I have found them to be life-changing and for someone who also likes to travel, they have […]

162: Creating New, Healthy Habits


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Welcome to episode #162 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. What does it take to stop perpetuating the habits that you no longer want in your life? We often want to change our habits and create new ones to help us finally do the things we want to be doing. When we find ourselves […]

161: Rewriting Your Rules for Life


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Welcome to episode #161 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When I began to rewrite the rules for my life, it was as I was changing careers. I wanted to figure out what I wanted next but I also knew that there were so many unwritten rules I was playing by that were keeping […]

What it takes to have a breakthrough

160: What it Takes to Have a Breakthrough


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Welcome to episode #160 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Do you ever wonder why some things don’t seem to change? Why does someone get a result and someone else doesn’t? It’s easy to say that some people just have the luck but you know that it’s not the only thing that’s working for […]

159: 10xing Your Results


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Welcome to episode #159 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’ve ever felt like things were going too slow and that you’re impatient for your results, this episode is for you. When you’ve been working on the same thing for a while, it’s normal to feel like it’s taking too long. How can […]






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