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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


143: Your Energy Systems


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Welcome friends to Episode #143 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I don’t know about you, but I love both structure and freedom. I love having routines I know that work for me. I love having something that is so reliable that I can come back to whenever I’m feeling off, and my energy […]

142: Have you conducted an energy audit?


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Welcome friends to Episode #142 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Whether it’s because mercury is in retrograde or you’ve been burning the midnight oil, sometimes our energy feels off. How do you know if it’s something within your control or whether or not you should just wait it out? Today, I’ll share with […]

Handling the Unexpected with Less Stress

137: Handling the Unexpected with Less Stress


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Welcome friends to Episode #137 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There are three givens in life. Death, taxes and change. As much as we want things to stay in status quo, or not – the one thing we know is that change occurs. There are changes that we plan for and changes that […]

136: Making the Most of Your Free time


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Welcome friends to Episode #136 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you have very little free time, you feel the weight of making the most of that precious time. What do you do in your spare moments before the kids wake up or after they go to bed? What do you do in […]

135: Challenging your feelings of Self-Doubt


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Welcome friends to Episode #135 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There’s no escaping those feelings of self-doubt. No matter how much work you’ve done, how much of an expert you are in your field or how much you want to just not care – there’s a part of you that feels self-doubt. It’s […]

134: Pursuing Your Purpose


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Welcome friends to Episode #134 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. To know your purpose can feel like a gift. Finally, clarity around why you are here and what you’re here to do in life. Yet, you often still need help pursuing that purpose. You need help believing that it’s possible. You want inspiration […]

133: Keeping Yourself Accountable to Your Dreams


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Welcome friends to Episode #133 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. As you grow in your career and life it becomes more and more obvious that you can’t do everything on your own. Yet, when you think that you have to do it all and solve every problem yourself, asking for help feels hard. […]

132: Bringing Your Whole Self to Work


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Welcome friends to Episode #132 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you start to feel disengaged, stressed or burned out at work or in your personal life – it often causes you to pause. You start to wonder what’s the point of doing this work or living life this way? Especially when the […]

131: Taking Leaps of Faith


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Welcome friends to Episode #131 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you’re on a new path, it can often feel like you’re taking a leap of faith. It feels like a bold move to go into a place where you are investing your time, energy and resources into something that isn’t yet proven. […]

129: Keeping Forward Momentum


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Welcome friends to Episode #129 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There will be times when you’ve made a ton of progress. Congratulations. You’re seeing the fruits of your labor. At that point, we often think about stopping and pausing. We wonder if we want to keep going hard or not towards this endeavor. […]






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