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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


Becoming Embodied with Embodiment Facilitator Andee Love

43: Becoming Embodied with Embodiment Facilitator Andee Love


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Welcome friends to Episode #43 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Today, I am sharing with you a conversation with one of my mentors, Andee Love. Andee Love is a highly-trained embodiment facilitator, speaker, & healer. She is the founder of SoulFlow™ Embodiment, focusing on practices for deep connection to self & spirit, and […]

41: Myth #1 of Self-Development: It’s Selfish


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 If you’ve been on a path of self or personal growth, you might wonder if it’s selfish. You’re taking more time for yourself. You’re prioritizing your well-being. You’re thinking about yourself and how you relate to others and the world around you more. Is it selfish? Today, let’s dig into some of the risks […]

What's Keeping You From Starting Over

39: What’s Keeping You From Starting Over


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When it comes time to end a year and begin a new one, we often try so hard to figure things out. Why is that? Is it because it’s a transition? Is it because the holiday craze gets us wishing for something different? Is it because we finally are taking a break long enough to […]

5 Lessons I Learned as a New Mom

38: 5 Lessons I Learned As a (New) Mom


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When I was pregnant with my first child, I remember looking out the window of the plane commuting back from work one day, thinking, “my life is going to change and I have no idea how.” I wished I had some way of thinking about what it was I wanted about this next phase of […]

Why Letting Your Heart Break May Be What You Need

37: Why Letting Your Heart Break May Be What You Need


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Do you ever feel that you’re talking around an issue and not directly about an issue? That you are addressing the periphery of your problems, but not the root cause? It’s ok if that is the case, and it’s also ok to start thinking about ways in which we can start letting ourselves address what […]

36: What we got wrong about being happy


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There are so many times when we face challenges, uncertainty and difficulty on our journeys. We think that we’ve finally figured out what we’re supposed to do here on this planet, or at least our next step – yet something happens and we start to question everything again. Am I doing something wrong? What is […]

What are you asking of life?

35: What are you asking of life?


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Do you ever feel like you’re really emotionally intelligent but not always executing on your best version of yourself? There is a difference between knowing and doing. This gap is often filled up by distraction and is the nature of our life. Where we decide to focus our efforts is the difference between the results […]

Desire Before Discipline

28: Desire Before Discipline


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It’s often when we don’t want to do the thing and we still do it, that we have our biggest breakthroughs. So many things in our life never see the light of day because we don’t follow-through. We know we should be eating better, not procrastinating, letting go of old stories that don’t serve us, […]

25: Becoming Minimalist


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Have you ever thought that you had too much stuff? That you want to be more organized? That you want to simplify your life somehow? Enter minimalism. Today we’ll discuss why minimalism is becoming more appealing in this age of modern technology and how you can apply it to your own life. I’ve always been […]

23: How to Make The Right Decision


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 When you’re feeling unsure about what to do next and how to choose the “right” next thing, we often get stuck. We stay in this place of indecision because we don’t know how to make the right decision. Should you go with your intuition or with your analytical mind? What if you make the […]






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