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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


148: My Unconventional Decision-Making Secrets


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Welcome friends to Episode #148 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I’ve had some big successes and changes in how I’ve made decisions that have led me to a life where I do work that I get paid to do and love, have deeper relationships and a connection with my inner voice and intuition […]

147: Increasing Tolerance for Joy and Stillness


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Welcome friends to Episode #147 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you’re starting to see the fruits of your labor come to fruition and you have the life you wanted for yourself, what do you do next? Often, we wonder if this is as good as it gets or if we should just […]

146: Finding Herself Again with Jenni Lai


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Welcome friends to Episode #146 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I’m really excited to be sharing with you my conversation with Jenni. She’s been a client of mine over the last several years and even before that a friend since undergrad. You’ll learn about how not getting what we want may be exactly […]

145: Planning Your Year


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Welcome friends to Episode #145 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the core skills you will need to learn as a leader in your life whether it’s personally or professionally is planning. If it’s something that you used to do and stopped, you’re likely feeling the effects. A sense of not really […]

Handling the Unexpected with Less Stress

137: Handling the Unexpected with Less Stress


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Welcome friends to Episode #137 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There are three givens in life. Death, taxes and change. As much as we want things to stay in status quo, or not – the one thing we know is that change occurs. There are changes that we plan for and changes that […]

127: How to Beat Procrastination in 5 minutes


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Welcome friends to Episode #127 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. I don’t know about you, but there are times when I just don’t want to do the thing I know I need to do. We might be tired from doing so much already or we might just not want to do the thing […]

124: Creating Synchronicities with Others


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Welcome friends to Episode #124 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Sometimes it feels like the thing we want is taking too long. We feel that we would go so much further and faster if we could just do it all alone. What do you do when you feel other people are holding you […]

121: Tolerating Uncertainty


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Welcome friends to Episode #121 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If I were to make a top 5 list of things I coach on, tolerating uncertainty would be up there. An achiever’s nightmare is uncertainty and lack of control. That sentence alone may have given you the shivers (and not in a good […]

112: Making Your Work Your Craft


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Welcome friends to Episode #112 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There’s often a time in our life where the day to day doesn’t cut it anymore. We want some of the magic and the mystique. We are looking for something intangible and extraordinary. A feeling and an experience where we feel connected to […]

109: How Much Money Do You Really Need?


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Welcome friends to Episode #109 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the first things that happens when we start thinking about changing our jobs or our lifestyle is we get worried about money. Even if finances don’t drive your decision about what you do for a living, you still want to feel […]






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