191: You don’t need time to figure out what’s next


Welcome to episode #191 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you want to figure out what’s next, I’m going to help you get started today. Not tomorrow or next year, we’re doing it now. Most people think that you need a lot of time and they need to wait for the work to slow down or for things to get less busy to figure out what’s next, but it’s not true. You don’t need time to figure out what’s next.

Most professionals believe that they’re too busy to figure out what’s next in their career. But the belief that it takes a lot of time to create career clarity is one of the biggest myths in the workplace.

It makes sense why you might think this is true.

You think back to your early recruiting days and recall how much time you put into your job search and education, so you naturally believe that you need to have that same single-minded persistence to do it again.

And as an achiever, you want to make decisions you don’t regret and you want to give everything your best effort.

But let me ask you. Is taking a lot of time really helping you gain more clarity on what you want next?

If that were true, as each day goes by you would feel more and more clear about the career shift you’re looking to make.

Those that are most fulfilled in their jobs and lives are some of the busiest people in the world. Top visionaries, creatives and leaders have full agendas and still need to create and execute on a vision every single day.

Think about the big decisions you make every day in your current role. Making decisions quickly and accurately is what helps you excel as a leader.

You want to hire people who have a bias for action and are able to move forward with the information they have.

Leaders know that time, not money, is the most expensive currency they can spend.

You could be really hurting your ability to grow as a leader if you continue to use a lack of time as your main decision-making obstacle. And you risk staying on the burnout train that the overworking method creates. I call these leaders Overworked Leaders because their careers are often a series of intense jobs and they’re often dependent on other people noticing that they are buried in their work to take the time they need to rest or be present with their families.

So how do you get to a fulfilling career and work/life balance without taking a lot of time? 

Well, you use high-performance strategies.

What does that involve?

It requires a few things and I’m going to share 4 of them with you right now:

1 – The first is what I like to call your Superpower Edge™. This is a set of strengths and talents and is the way you work that requires less energy and time while getting you best-in-class results.

The Superpower Edge™ does this by providing strategic ways of working and thinking that uses what you are naturally good at to achieve any goal you desire and helps you narrow down what you’re best positioned to do well in your next role.

2 – The second element is the Prioritization Process™.

These are the exact areas where you need to focus to create the most traction with the time you do have. This set of guiding principles helps you reduce the stress and overwhelm of not knowing what to do next to make progress.

Most achievers struggle to prioritize, starting and stopping lots of different ideas while seeing inconsistent progress as a result

3 – The third element is Flow Rituals™. As a professional, you know that having routines and a flow to your day sets you up for success. 

A lot of the career and life redesign you want to see can be set up through these routines which doesn’t happen when you pause your everyday life to make career changes.

When you make a career shift, you can use these routines to automatically improve the quality of your health, relationships and work so you have more free time to think ahead, strategize and show up as the calm, confident leader you thought you would be when you started working.

4 – The fourth element is 10X Leadership™. These are the core set of leadership skills you need to lead yourself and others to create outsized success with limited resources.

Most leaders struggle with balancing their own needs while also satisfying the needs of their teams and stakeholders.

When you lead, you’ll want to know how to motivate not just yourself, but others while creating a positive ripple effect so that every interaction you have creates your future health and wealth. You develop a network of supporters and advocates who want to help you achieve your goals, be on your teams and hire you as a leader.

So let me ask you, do you want to continue believing that you need to take a lot of time to create clarity in your career, where you overwork yourself trying to get ahead, but never do?

Or do you want to leverage high-performance strategies to create career clarity and focus on what you need to do next to have a fulfilling career with work/life balance?

If you want to take the second route, I want to invite you to watch the free training on how to Stand Out and Lead, using spiritual, high-performance strategies. You can access the training at https://may-empson.mykajabi.com/stand-out-and-lead.

You can then apply to join my Spiritual Achiever® program, where you’re going to create your next chapter with spiritual and high-performance strategies to achieve time and financial freedom using my proven method. It’s risk-free. You either start seeing results within your first month or I give you your money back. Schedule your call HERE. We’ll see you inside.

Want to know more about what happens when you join?

  1. When you join Spiritual Achiever® Coaching you’ll be supported for a full year: Career Revelation Academy: A 5-step career change process (if you have a job you want to stay in, I’ll show you how to love it even more) that can launch you into your next career chapter in 30 days.
  2. 2x/month group training and coaching on Spirituality, Achievement, Earth Energy and Harmony. You’ll know how to design your days for breakthroughs, create a personal brand and community, lead yourself and others through change, become more physically and mentally fit, reduce stress and reinvent what’s possible in this next chapter of your life.
  3. Discover your Leadership Strengths and Branding Workshop: Increase your awareness of what makes YOU different from others and how to become even better at your genius zone.
  4. Your Best Year workshop: Create your one year plan and design this next year, no matter what time of the year it is.
  5. Your Next 5 Years one-day virtual retreat: Vision what’s possible 5 years from now and break out of your old routines so you can step into new habits, behaviors and routines.
  6. Tickets to all in-person Spiritual Achiever retreats (accommodations not included): Highly immersive and intimate gatherings where we spend time in nature, experience energy work, eat and move well – all while making big decisions and committing to what’s next for us.
  7. Monthly 1:1 Coaching Sessions: To help you break through obstacles, define your individual path, and to work on both strategy and mindset.

The next step?

Schedule a consultation to get clarity on how coaching can help you on your journey.

Once you’re accepted into the program, you’ll receive a calendar invite for a 2-hour deep dive 1:1 session to map out your personal goals and your own year-long journey.

You’ll have immediate access to the Spiritual Achiever process and philosophy – how to achieve your biggest goals and reinvent your life.

You’ll have immediate access to 5 modules of Career Revelation Academy – to love your career even more and launch that next chapter of your career in 30 days.

You’ll have the calendar invites for the upcoming group calls and retreats.

If this speaks to you, I can’t wait to talk to you live: Schedule a consultation.

Reach out at www.mayempson.com/contact for more information on my Spiritual Achiever coaching program. You’ll figure out what’s next and actually go and do it. 

That’s it for this week. Have an amazing one and I’ll talk to you next time.

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