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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


115: Leading Yourself Through Grief


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Welcome friends to Episode #115 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Whatever you believe, you know that death is a certainty. Whether it’s the death of someone you love or the death of your identity, the grief of loss is inescapable. What do you do when this happens and how do you process these […]

113: Simplifying Your Work


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Welcome friends to Episode #113 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. In a world where we feel even more time-starved and distracted, we crave simplicity. When I work with people who feel like there is so much more to do than time to do it, often the one thing they most desire is to […]

111: Staying Focused and in Flow


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Welcome friends to Episode #111 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. We all know the power of focus and how if we could stay focused for a little bit longer on what matters most, then we would be able to do so much more in the time we have. In our culture of distraction […]

110: Becoming Really Good


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Welcome friends to Episode #110 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you want to do something new, you often don’t because you think you might fail. What if you knew how to become really good at something? What if you knew that there was a process to figuring it all out and that […]

105: Surpassing Plateaus


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Welcome friends to Episode #105 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. What if you could continually grow in the amount of satisfaction and happiness that you felt? When we have goals, we get excited and start doing the work to get there. At some point, however, we hit those goals and then we wonder, […]

101: The Right Mix of Personal and Professional Life


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 Welcome friends to Episode #101 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’ve ever felt like you were spending too much time at work and not enough time at home, you’ve likely considered whether or not you were making the right choice. Career or family? What about those who feel like they’re spending […]

100: Creating Meaningful and Purposeful Work


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 Welcome friends to Episode #100 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. The big 100. It’s fitting that we cover the very topic that created this podcast in the first place. Answering the question, “Why?” We spend over 90,000 hours at work over the course of our lifetime. Why do we work? What do […]

96: Doing Less But More as a Leader


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 Welcome friends to Episode #96 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. The trap we all run into as we start to take more ownership of our lives and careers is the doing syndrome. We work more and do more so that we can have and own more. Yet, there is a ceiling to […]

93: Becoming an Intuitive Leader


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 Welcome friends to Episode #93 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’re an achiever, you likely are very good at thinking and using your brain a lot. You also might be feeling that there’s a limit to using your thinking and that you can overthink and rationalize almost anything. You want to […]

91: What is the Spiritual Achievement™ Model?


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 Welcome friends to Episode #91 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. As we reflect on the last year and our intentions for a new year, it’s normal to wonder if we are fully living up to our potential. We look around us as the pandemic has changed our lives and wonder if our […]






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