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Have you ever had the feeling as you run around from one to-do to another to-do on your to-do list, that you aren’t getting to what’s really important? Maybe you haven’t asked yourself that in a while so you’re on autopilot, spending time in the same ways you’ve always spent time. There’s nothing wrong with […]
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When you’re starting on a new path or even thinking about it what often trips us up is the fear of what? Failure. We say, “but what if I can’t do it?” “What if it won’t work?” “Why bother even trying?” If you have these thoughts running through your head, my friend, you’ll want to […]
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There are times where we start feeling like we’re at a crossroads with our career. Should I stay or should I go? If I go, where to next? If this is you, you’re going to want to listen carefully to today’s episode. Of all the questions that I get, the most frequent ones I […]
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We’ve all felt it before. The thrill and excitement of fear. It’s a scary thing and yet fear is at times also life-giving. Why does fear sometimes paralyze us and at other times propels us into motion? Why do certain individuals radiate fearlessness and others seem stuck and paralyzed by fear? What about the question, […]
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Have you ever felt that you’re just going through the motions in life? You’re not sure of what you want? Your sense of desire is waning and you want to figure out a way to spark yourself again. To feel grounded, connected and inspired. If so, today we’ll dive into the 3 ways to […]
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If you’re feeling like the time has come to do something about systemic racism, and you’re not sure what – you’re in the right place. Today, we’ll dive into what we can do as allies, as anti-racists, as fellow human beings to create a world where black lives truly matter. These past 2 weeks have […]
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If you’ve struggled with money and your relationship with money, you’ll love today’s topic. Whether you want to admit it or not, the quality of your life is dependent upon your ability to work with money. Instead of completely detaching from money, how do you create a healthy relationship with money so that you can […]
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The problem with talking about productivity and time management is that we don’t have the fundamentals in order. We think the thing we’re doing is just a task. We think that we just need to get it done. What we forget is why this matters. Why are you doing this in the first place? […]
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I know, I know. This is such a big question, but also one I find so intriguing. When you’re grounded in what truly matters and what you need to be happy, your life becomes transformed. When you can start to understand how to change the levers in your life to become even happier, then anything […]
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I remember when I first began really diving deep into spirituality one of the first lessons I sat with for a while, and still do is this: the future and the past are just stories. It’s a lot to take in and also a bit confusing, but stay with me here and I’ll break […]