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Welcome friends to Episode #84 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. We often have the best intentions when it comes to making a change in our lives. Whether we’re making shifts to our health, wealth, work or relationships we decide to do something new and different for a reason. Why then do we start […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #83 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the first things that happens, when you start on the path of figuring out what’s next is thinking about your goals. Sometimes, we’re so mired in our day to day lives that we have trouble articulating what we even want next. […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #82 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you’ve been trying to streamline your life and focus on doing what’s most important to you, you’ll likely have thought about making a shift in your career. Yet, where we often get stuck is in this transition. How do we find […]
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Welcome to Episode#78 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the ways that we stop ourselves from truly achieving our goals or moving forward in our lives is fear. We fear that we are going to fail or lose something like money, status or time in the process. What happens though if […]
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Welcome to Episode#77 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. No matter how motivated you are to do anything, there will always be a point when that motivation begins to falter. The drive to do this new habit, venture, behavior change, relationship or project isn’t as strong anymore. You want to give up. What do […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #73 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the ways that we can help ourselves gain more clarity is to create new standards. We often think of the worst case scenario, not the best case scenario when we are attempting to do something new. We plan for the worst […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #72 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. There’s a strange thing that happens as we achieve more results or we make progress. We plateau. We stop getting excited or engaged or driven by what we’re doing and we start to coast. When we start to coast, things do become easier […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #71 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Time is one of our most precious assets and resources. The more we are connected through technology, the easier it becomes to feel like our time gets consumed through work and the ability to always be doing something. Today, we’re going to talk […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #68 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Have you ever been so frustrated about the lack of results in a certain area of your life that you want to just give up? When you’re trying to stretch yourself into a new level of financial freedom, creativity, health or intimacy in […]
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Welcome friends to Episode #64 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast.I’ve been personally very interested in this idea of simplifying my life since I was in my twenties and if you love Marie Kondo, the idea of minimalism, or are even just intrigued with the possibility of simple living, you’re in for a […]