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It’s a big deal. To feel confident in showing up in your full capacity. To know you are qualified and that you have something to offer can change the way you present yourself and how happy you are with your work. Having doubts about your capabilities were useful to some extent. It led you […]
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I never considered myself co-dependent until I was away from my family at a retreat and didn’t know what to do with myself when I had free time. I felt as if I was globbing onto whoever else had a plan and whatever was going on at the moment. It was a strange feeling […]
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What does perfection mean? Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Perfection as the below. Having no flaws or being unsurpassable? If just reading those two points gives you a stress headache, you are not alone. A 2018 Harvard Business Review article highlights that the World Health Organization has reported record levels […]
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When I started thinking big and began the work of living a life on my own terms, one of my biggest struggles was taking the first step. How do I start to live differently? How do I start over? How do I unravel the life that others or myself had originally dreamed up? What […]