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I'm a coach, mom, and yogi - into all things wellness, food and travel.


209: Taking Time Off Benefits Your Business and Career


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Welcome to episode #209 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When you’re a busy professional who either has a corporate career or a business you’re growing, you’re juggling the competing demands of work and your personal life. We know that we’re spending so much time on surface level things and that we need to […]

206: Grateful and Making Changes


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Welcome to episode #206 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. One of the sneaky beliefs of professionals that keep them where they are is thinking that they can’t make any changes because they should be grateful. “I should be grateful….but”. Every time you think about change, a sense of guilt comes over you.  Life […]

197: You Don’t Have to Be Good at Everything


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Welcome to episode #197 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we think about success in life, the driven and ambitious believe that in order to have success, it means we have to be amazing at every single thing in our lives and at work. It can feel exhausting and at times anxiety-provoking, and […]

191: You don’t need time to figure out what’s next


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Welcome to episode #191 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. If you want to figure out what’s next, I’m going to help you get started today. Not tomorrow or next year, we’re doing it now. Most people think that you need a lot of time and they need to wait for the work to […]

190: Career changes in your 20s, 30s and 40s


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Welcome to episode #190 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Do you know what’s possible for your career? Finding out who you are as you begin to work and live life means that you now have more decisions to make. Do you pursue what you’ve already put time and effort into or should you […]

189: How to quit my job without burning bridges?


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Welcome to episode #189 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. In the quiet of the morning hours or the late night in-between hours, you start asking yourself what it would look like to move on from where you’re at now. You might have even found a new role or job but one thing holds […]

188: Is it normal to be unhappy at work?


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Welcome to episode #188 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. We spend approximately one third of our waking hours working – sometimes more. If you’re unhappy with your work, you’ll find it hard to ignore. When you’re spending so much time doing something and you’re feeling stressed, unhappy, exhausted or disengaged – you’ll wonder […]

179: Becoming Your #1 Asset


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Welcome to episode #179 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. What does it mean to become your number one asset? More than the people you know, who you marry and what you do for a living – who you are matters even more. Knowing that you are your number one asset is especially important […]

What Am I Really Good At?

169: What Am I Really Good At?


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Welcome to episode #169 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. When we want to change our life for the better, we often struggle with knowing how to spend our time and the decisions we make about what we do next with our careers and personal lives. We know we might have to put in a level of effort but the question becomes whether or not it will be worth it? What if it doesn’t work out and you feel like you’ve wasted your time? Today’s podcast on What Am I Really Good At will help you understand how to align your time and energy with those things that will ultimately bring you the most meaning and results.

165: Ready for a Change?


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Welcome to episode #165 of the Own Your Best Life Podcast. Are you feeling like you want to do more and achieve more? To feel greater happiness than what you’re currently experiencing? If so, today’s podcast on Ready for a Change will help you understand how to stop going through the motions and start living […]






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