
The virtual meditation retreat.

Let's do this.


Welcome to Mindful Heart Bootcamp.

Welcome to Mindful Heart Bootcamp.

a Virtual Meditation Retreat to Train Your Brain for Love, Resilience and the Power to Create a Magical Life

Is it time to think differently?

Jan 24th, 1:00-4:00 PM EST

January 24th, 1PM-4PM EST

Hi there, friend. You've got some big dreams, goals and aspirations to live more fully and completely as YOU - and I am so thrilled to be able to share this brand new meditation retreat to guide you through owning who you are even more completely.

In this meditation retreat, we'll be in the energy of elevated emotions. We are creating a more creative, loving and heart-centered world - all using our mind.

The Meditation Experience your heart's longing for

Ready for a mindful heart?

I loved the retreat. I hope that you offer more of them. It meant so much to me in so many different ways. I felt physically good when I left. I felt more in tune spiritually. I felt validated in my feelings and the direction I want to take my life in. I left feeling that I had a strong plan for the future and good resources to use as I move forward. Thank you so much for a meaningful day.


“I left feeling like I had a strong plan for the future.”

I'm multi-passionate, a yoga teacher and also a mom of 2 young girls. I've changed my career multiple times to pursue my passions and have studied both spirituality as well as business leadership. My speciality is taking driven, ambitious women to the next level by reconnecting them with their soul, their divine wisdom, and to their spirituality.

If you're looking to reduce your stress and anxiety or need new tools to manage the crazy, this intimate, heart-centered meditation retreat is for you.

Join me, a Columbia-certified leadership and mindset coach for the driven and spiritually curious, as I reveal techniques for bring more creativity, love and resilience into your life.

You will leave not only having experienced meditations that transform your mind, but also new tools to keep up your practice. Most importantly, you will know how to tap into your own wisdom.

I've had those same thoughts too.


but guess what...

I used to think I didn't have time to meditate or that it was boring. Now I see that my greatest inspirations can come to me during meditations and I've created a way of meditating that works no matter how much time I have.



We will cover the art of mindful living and how to weave these inspirational moments into all aspects of your life.
- Simplifying mindfulness techniques
- Explaining the neuroscience
- How most people have the art of mindful living backwards and what to do to bring more peace of mind to us instantly

I'll show you how to not only lead but expand from your heart so that you are fully aligned with your actions.
- The 2 ways we resist what we want the most
- How to know when you're in our out of your heart's alignment

Here's What You'll Learn



PART one

part two

We'll help you create a personal meditation experience you can come back to again and again.
- The components for mind-shifting to bring into your daily life.
- Creating your own meditation based on your current goals.
- How to stay consistent and increase the quality of your experiences over time.


PARt four

We'll hone our ability to be inspired, create and do the work you love with ease.
- How we can create with the greatest impact
- Finding our inspiration and source of creativity
- What we don't know about creating with ease and how that knowledge changes the way we bring new ideas into the world


Part Three


Fine-tuning your emotional, spiritual and mental strength.

How does this sound?

Crafting a meditation experience personalized to your goals.



the results you're going to get:

Identifying how you are or are not aligned with your heart's desires.


Strategies for bringing mindful living into all aspects of your life.


Taking time to be fully present with where you right here, right now.


How It Works

Live 3 hour virtual retreat with guided meditations, lessons and creative journaling.


Journaling prompts, affirmations, and meditations for you to integrate into your daily life and tap into a new level of consciousness

daily practices

A 1:1 distance Reiki session where we will bring forth Universal life force energy to restore balance to your energy centers and bless them for healing, expansion and wholeness.


“Working with May has opened my eyes to a new way of of thinking, living and working.

LIAN got her groove back:


“Despite all my fears and doubts, May helped me take the steps needed to help begin building my new career"

AVNI Started her own biz


real results

Your mind's about to change your life...

So let's get started!

“May offers the perfect blend of spiritual and practical life and career advice.”

She understands where I am coming from and knows the right approach to help me reverse my negative thoughts. She has not only helped me progress in my career, but she also got me into the right mindset to break free of burnout, anxiety and bad vibes. She changed the way I think, feel and interact with others on a daily basis, at work and in my personal life. My favorite compliment over the past few months has been when people voice how calm and collected I am, when previously I was known to be frantic and a worrier. I truly believe in the magic that is May and recommend her to my friends who are looking for a positive change in their life.

cathy broke free of burnout, anxiety and bad vibes

It's always the right time for inner work.

“Phenomenal, mystical, meaningful"

My reading with May was precise and direct, straight to the source of my essence and heart. Having a reading with her was like being spotted by a dear friend through a crowd of strangers. She knew what I was dealing with on a soul level, created a compassionate space, and was able to guide me to my next level of evolution in half an hour. Phenomenal, mystical, meaningful.

shellie was guided to her next step of her evolution

“This retreat was both practical and magical.”

May Empson is a shining light. Her retreat was so beautifully crafted and perfectly curated. Each journaling exercise gave us space and time to think and assess and dream. It was the perfect combination of reflection of the year that passed, and goal setting and manifesting the future we desire. She is a miraculous space holder. This retreat was both practical and magical. I can’t wait to work with her again! ❤️❤️❤️

COLLEEN can't wait for another retreat

Subtle shifts do lead to radical happiness. May Cause Miracles is a 40 day meditation program with 40 guided daily meditations and practices that cover your self-perception, self-worth and net worth, relationships and more.

Sign up today and you'll have access to May Cause Miracles, a 6 week digital program.

additional experiences



“today is a good day to have a good day.”


Have understood how to create mindful living no matter how crazy your life is right now.

Have crafted a personal meditation unique to you and your goals.

Have identified how you can expand your heart and live in greater truth with who you are.

Have learned how your brain can create your external world. 

Have discovered how to create with a greater sense of ease and flow.

Be a part of a community of modern seekers who are looking for their version of more.

By the end of MINDFUL HEART RETREAT, you will...


 I am 100% a changed person. A woman who has never been more calm, relaxed, grounded, hopeful, and excited. 


“I am 100% a changed person”



She has an incredible gift that can help you to see your true path but also how and why you are not fully living it presently. May gave me practical tips that I can do daily in order to reconnect and fully be present in my life as is.


“She has an incredible gift that can help you see your true path”



She effortlessly got right to the core of the issues that were concerning me, and offered a perspective that helped me to see things in a new way. After the reading was over, I felt calm and lighter, as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. There are several nuggets of wisdom from our session that I have been thinking about often and am trying to apply every day.


“She effortlessly got right to the core of the issues..." 



I'm May, your new lets-do-this friend.

My speciality is taking driven, ambitious seekers to the next level by reconnecting them with their soul, their divine wisdom, and to their spirituality.

more about me >

hey there!

Now I'm sharing these techniques with you. 

I created the meditation retreat I wanted to experience when I was grieving the loss of loved ones all while stressed and burned out.

I knew that the stress, burnout and sadness that I felt wasn't all there was to my experience - yet it was ever pervasive.

Little did I know that as I came back to daily meditation practices and exploring the host of rituals, techniques, and strategies I was rewiring my brain each time.

I learned how to solve problems, come up with new ideas, release old patterns and move forward in life.
One mindful moment at a time.

It was all intentional. It all added up.

Now, I feel so much lighter, freer and open even though I still struggle, have challenges and work towards big goals.

This is how I continue to elevate my energy and create from a place of love, joy and determination.

If you're still reading, now it's your turn. It's time to sign up.

now it's your turn.

This retreat is one of a kind because...

it takes you from the how-to to the doing.

I share with you the meditation strategies that I used to break through to a new identity. I show you the brain science behind what happens when you meditate and focus.

we use both your heart and mind 

Achievers can easily create from their mind, but when it comes to matters of the heart - it gets more tricky. We'll release and expand the heart energy so that we can charge up our creating powers even more. 

connect from anywhere in the world

personalized meditation plan


Follow science-backed methods

I will provide you the understanding of how meditation changes not only your mind, but your life. Ultimately, however, your commitment to changing your life will take you to your next level. When you apply the teachings to your life, that's when the magic happens.

This retreat includes clarity-creating a-ha moments and meditation strategies.

Create a positive mindset open to change.

See yourself with love instead of fear.

Discover a meditation technique that you love.

Open yourself up to another level of success.

Embed meditative techniques to achieve your goals.

Overcome an inability to get started on meditating.

Craft a personal meditation that's right for you. 

If you've decided that this time is when you're going to finally:


Let's Do This!


When is the retreat?

January 23, 2021 1 PM - 3 PM EST; Zoom details will be sent to you after registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is natural healing using the universal life force energy. 

What if I can't make the retreat live?

There will be a recording for those who couldn't make it live - you can watch it at your leisure, when it works for you.

What do I need to do to prepare?

Get a cozy spot for your retreat. Grab your journal and a pen. Most importantly, bring a willing heart and open mind.

Can I also have 1:1 coaching?

This is a group program but email us at support@mayempson.com to add on optional 1:1 coaching package.

When do I receive the May Cause Miracles program?

You will get immediate access to May Cause Miracles digital program.

What if I don't meditate now?

That's ok. We'll guide you through meditations so you don't have to do anything by yourself.

Is this going to cover how to meditate?

Yes - we'll cover the basics, the neuroscience and how to create a consistent practice.

email me

Still on the Fence?

let's do this

I completely understand. Every dollar invested is an important one! Let's connect and figure out what your goals are and what kinds of support is the best fit for you.